Friday, December 14, 2007

THE PHENOMENON FORMULA: High School Musical and Hannah Montana

Almost every article that discusses High School Musical or "Hannah Montana" touches on this question: why the hell are these so popular? These two seemingly unremarkable pieces of Disney entertainment have become genuine phenomena, and most people are utterly baffled by their success. I approached my research basically asking that question over and over again: Why do you like it? Why do you think it was so successful? I was desperately trying to discover some secret ingredient to its success, in hopes of zeroing in on it and analyzing it individually (hopefully posing some controversial question about sex, religion, or money). But after surveying strangers of different age groups, interviewing Disney execs and tween media tycoons, posting questions on heated forums, talking with my mom and ranting to my friends, no individual factor emerged as the clear winner. Everyone had different, incomplete answers, and most of the people who responded seem unsure or hesitant. Why? Because no one really knows.

So I poured through all my research, read more articles, and watched High School Musical and several episodes of "Hannah Montana" again. After letting it all sink in, I realized something that I’m sure most kids already know: there is no individual feature that has squeezed into the hearts of millions. There is an extremely calculated formula (concocted by a very brilliant company) and “a little bit of magic.”

Thus, I decided that the most worthwhile use of my time would be to try to make sense of this formula, and luckily the ones used in High School Musical and "Hannah Montana" are almost identical. Just to be clear, the two works are actually quite different in many ways. High School Musical (HSM) premiered two months before "Hannah Montana" as a Disney Channel Original Movie, whereas "Hannah Montana" (HM) is a sitcom. New episodes premiere on Friday nights, but Disney repeats episodes each night at 7pm. The fact that the formats are different is somewhat important, because TV shows have staying power while movies usually do not. Also, although they are both ‘musical’ pieces of entertainment, HSM is a traditional musical format (in which viewers must suspend reality while characters break out into song spontaneously), while HM is performance-based. She sings because she is a pop star. Finally, HSM is an ensemble cast and Hannah Montana is a solo act (she has friends but they are no Hannah Montana).

And yet, their success is related. On a literal level, because Disney always does a lot of cross-promotion, but also because they were successful for essentially very similar reasons. Those reasons are: stars with iconic appeal + simplicity and wholesomeness + layers of awareness + catchy songs with a pop sensibility + a marketing campaign that created an experience = phenomena. The explanation is a bit lengthy, so bear with me.

STARS: When I asked VP of Original Movies Michael Healy why he thought High School Musical saw so much success, in comparison with all the other Disney Channel original movies, he said “I think first and foremost it was that cast... I think if these had been actors and actresses who were very skilled but didn’t have that extra something that Zac Efron has and that Ashley has, I think it might have been successful, but I don’t think it would have been nearly as successful.” That ‘extra something’ that Healy mentions is a combination of silliness and offbeat good looks. Angie Diersman, photo editor of Tiger Beat Magazine, mused “I think Zac was a big pull for it. You know all the kids-- well, all the girls-- want to look at somebody cute.”

Hannah Montana has the same iconic qualities. Miley Cyrus, who plays Hannah Montana/Miley Stewart, is extremely dynamic, and is supported by a cast of energetic, good-looking young teens. But there is something more there than good looks and a little bit of talent. Disney has made an effort to make these characters, as well as the actors that play them, appear really regular. In a 2006 Boston Globe article studying the "Hannah Montana" phenomenon, Adam Bonnett, the head of Original Programming at Disney Channel, explains that “the mandate is to place ordinary, accessible kids in extraordinary circumstances” (Weiss 2006). This seems an accurate comment, and can be applied to every program currently on the Disney Channel, especially "Hannah Montana." Miley Cyrus plays Miley Stewart, a regular girl who leads a secret life as a popstar. As Miley Stewart, she is goofy, awkward, and deals with all the same problems that regular girls do. As Hannah Montana she is classy and confident. You can see this dichotomy in the theme song video for the show.
The lyric in the pre-chorus is “Whoever thought that a girl like me / Would double as a superstar?” This line emphasizes her normalcy, just ‘a girl like me’, and her character on the show plays to that extreme. I mean, she has a braces lisp, for god’s sake! What is more normal (and nerdy) than that? Editor-in-chief of Tiger Beat Leesa Coble stated it eloquently in our interview: “When you hear her talk or when you see her, she feels really tangible.”

WHOLESOMENESS: In the same Boston Globe article, Syracuse professor Robert Thompson is sited as saying of Disney, “They’re essentially taking what their old franchise was, which is just squeaky clean innocent naive kinds of things, but updating them with the iconography of modern youth” (Weiss 2006). This naive cleanliness clearly appeals to parents because they can feel comfortable with their kids watching it. There is no mention of sex, drugs, and violence in High School Musical nor "Hannah Montana." They just simply don’t exist at East High or Malibu High, and if they do exist, they are entirely irrelevant. In internet debates called things like “Who thinks Hannah Montana sucks?” people who defend her generally call her a ‘good role model.' Healy explains of HSM, “I think that it was about something that kids responded to, which is, wouldn’t it be great if high school were the kind of place where all the problems could be solved with a song.” This is comforting to kids of all age groups, whether or not they are familiar with the realities of high school. 15-year-old HSM fan Julia said in her survey, “It makes you feel like everything is perfect.”

The ‘perfection’ of High School Musical stems out of its simplicity. It is perhaps one of the most straightforward, clichéd, predictable storylines in Hollywood, but oddly enough, that is part of its beauty. Julia’s friend Abby said “I like that it is easy to follow.” When I asked 10-year-old Katie who her favorite character was, she responded “Gabriella, she makes everything simple.” The storyline revolves around a jock and a smartie that realize they want to audition for the school musical, but-- oh no! That is not their place in the high school social scene. The song “Stick to the Status Quo” epitomizes that theme, and the unambiguous nature of the entire movie’s message.
The musical revolves around this conflict: It is better by far to keep things as they are. Don't mess with the flow, no no. I don’t want to ruin the end for you, but I will: The nerds and the jocks try to break up Gabriella and Troy to set things right in the school again, but eventually they realize their mistake and get them back together. Then, Gabriella and Troy overcome several obstacles to make it to the audition and snab the lead roles, later winning both the basketball game and the academic decathlon. "Hannah Montana" has a similar predictability in that each episode, Miley gets in trouble because she does something silly, and then through her actions, proceeds to learn a lesson about family or friendship. This simplicity is attractive, comforting, and a huge part of the appeal.

AWARENESS LEVELS: In the above video, you also get a sense of the absurdity of the entire concept of High School Musical. In this number, the ensemble is essentially singing about how they are appalled that basketball star Troy wants to be in a musical when he is the basketball captain. And to do so, they break into song. This absurdity is amplified in HSM2 in a singing and dancing number entitled "I Don't Dance." This nonreality is somewhat expected in musicals, because viewers are asked to suspend disbelief. "Hannah Montana", on the other hand, retains an even greater absurdity because the show is supposed to operate entirely within reality. And according to the laws of reality, a blonde wig is not sufficient to hide one’s true identity from her entire school (including her best friends for a while).

This absurdity is a very important element of both because it does not register to those below the age of , say, eleven. The concepts make complete sense to kids and they do not think to question it. However, the teenagers or parents who wander in while their kids are watching, pick up on it immediately, and this is essentially a make-or-break factor in determining whether someone outside the age range will like it. If someone appreciates ridiculousness, they will immediately be drawn to both High School Musical and "Hannah Montana."

An anonymous user on Yahoo! Answers says “It’s pure cheese. Sometimes its fun to watch something that is obviously making fun of itself.” However, the ridiculousness permeates High School Musical much more than "Hannah Montana", which might be one of the reasons why my survey responses indicated that "Hannah Montana" is not as popular among the college or older high school crowd. It has the initial absurd concept, and the show is a comedy, but the jokes are all on one level, geared towards tweens. High School Musical, on the other hand, has a lot of ridiculous nuances, both intentional and unintentional, that older people latch onto. For instance, Ryan, the brother of the reigning drama queen and a theater lover himself, is generally accepted by everyone I know to be gay, and they find it adorable and hilarious. However, RIC Professor Jessica Sternfeld, who has done research on the subject, explains “Anecdotal evidence suggests that the movie's young fans don't particularly register this implication; chat rooms are full of girls talking about how cute Ryan is, and how great his voice his, and they even tease him about his fashion sense, but say nothing about his orientation” (Sternfeld 2007). There is also a moment in “Stick to the Status Quo” where one of the skater dudes seems clearly to be stoned, which is something that a person unfamiliar with the effects would not notice.

This quality is epitomized in HSM2 during the Troy’s solo number “Bet on It.” This “disaster/masterpiece” (coined by Nicole, 20) is often noted as an extremely funny number in the movie. In fact, there is a popular spoof on Youtube right now, "The Hills Are Alive with High School Musical.” Even when I interviewed Lisa Avent, who heads up licensing for TV products at Disney Channel, she brought up this number: “You know ‘Bet on It’? Now, when I first saw that, my son was with me... And [my friend] and I start laughing... My 10-year-old turns to me and goes ‘What are you laughing at?’ And we’re like ‘Nothing. Why?’.. Well it turned out that was his favorite thing. That meant something to him. That meant power... He’s letting go of all those things in the school, peer pressure... It was kind of cute because we were watching the same exact thing and we got something completely different out of it.” This idea of getting something different out of it differentiates HSM from previous Disney Channel Original Movies, and potentially has a lot to do with its broad appeal. No exec really wants to admit it, but a lot of people like it because “It’s so bad, it’s good” (Marcy, 20). On the other hand, if an HSM fan does not appreciate the initial absurdity of "Hannah Montana", there is not much to latch onto later.

CATCHY SONGS: Well, here’s the duh factor. The music in both High School Musical and "Hannah Montana" is very catchy. The songs are smoothly produced, and have mainstream pop appeal. If fans do not talk about the music first as a reason for liking HSM and HM, they will mention it second. The music is an extremely important aspect of both productions because both revolve around the concept of music itself. High School Musical is more about the performative aspects of it, in that the movie is about auditioning for a musical, while Hannah Montana balances creation, production, and performance (for she is a popstar in the modern recording world).

People familiar with traditional musicals have noted that the music in HSM is not broadway-esque. The music is very much inspired by contemporary pop, with minor hip hop influences in several tracks. This made the music itself extremely accessible to today’s youth. Because they were familiar with the style, they knew how to dance and sing along with it. However, the fact that it was a musical was very important. Another musical movie called The Cheetah Girls was released on Disney Channel in 2003. It saw success, but not nearly as much as HSM, and I imagine it had a lot to do with the fact that it was performance-based. User HSMfan1294 on Yahoo! Answers says “Musicals kind of faded out of the world for a little bit and when they brought it back, kids adored it.” It’s the classic animated Disney musical, updated with songs that no one can get out of their heads. The two videos I embedded above were not necessarily indicative of the HSM ‘sound’. “Stick to the Status Quo” sounded far more broadway-esque than any of the other songs, while “Bet On It” was a less inspired pop track from HSM2. For a sound more indicative of what most people think makes High School Musical great, check out “Breaking Free.”
It begins with a slow piano intro and hesitant, subdued vocals. The singers gain confidence throughout the verse. At the chorus, the drums enter and it erupts into a danceable pop song, still led melodically by the piano. And note the lyrics: “There’s not a star in heaven that we can’t reach.” Classic inspirational stuff. That’s what High School Musical is all about.

The music in "Hannah Montana" is quite possibly catchier than that in HSM, if that’s even possible. 9-year-old Berit wrote of Hannah Montana, “I like the singing the best. There isn't anything I don't like --- but I don't like her shows - I like her singing.” Although the music and the tv show are very much related, Berit proves that it is not essential to the enjoyment of the songs to see the context (where as with HSM songs, the performance is half the fun). Each episode of the show features at least one Hannah Montana song, often new to the character and the audience. After the song is first performed on the show, it essentially becomes Miley’s next new single. It’s a strange and artificial way to designate hits, but it works within the Disney culture and quickly spreads outward. Two thirds of my survey respondents said that “Nobody’s Perfect” was their favorite song, so it seems important to do an analysis.
The song begins with a melodic string section, over which Hannah/Miley quietly chants. Then drum machines and a heavily synth-ed keyboard enter and the chant gets louder: “Everybody makes mistakes. Everybody has those days.” For the verse, strong, repetitive guitar chords lead the melody, and it mounts for the infectious chorus. It slows down for the bridge as she sings, “I know I mix things up, but I always get it right in the end.” This single lyric encapsulates the story of each episode.

THE EXPERIENCE: But as everyone knows, great music doesn’t popularize itself. One of Sternfeld’s most compelling points about High School Musical was that “They built an image, an experience, a world around the movie” (Sternfeld). This point is one that is often overlooked. People tend to think of all of the merchandising as an effect of success, rather than a cause. They assume that Disney observed the success of their creations and decided to squeeze as much money out of kids and tweens as possible by licensing games, jewelry, apparel, toys, and stationary. This is, of course, partially true, but the merchandising itself was a tool in boosting its popularity and solidifying this experience. Lisa Avent explains “The cross-divisional support behind it helped propel it to a level that was unlike any other.” Kids could brush their hair with brushes that said “I Love Troy,” play with Hannah Montana dolls, and eat High School Musical energy bars off Hannah Montana plates. My friends model some of the HSM merch below.

Not all of this experience-creation was after-the-fact. On only the second night of viewing (the day after the premiere), Disney had prepared a sing-along version, complete with lyrics scrolling the bottom of the screen. The next weekend they premiered the dance-along version, which consisted of HSM stars teaching the viewers some dance steps. Although Disney insists they did not anticipate the success, this footage was clearly prerecorded, and the assumption was that the kids would be interested. And they were. Within months, millions of kids had the song and dance moves down pat. For example, I choreographed an after school hip hop class for kids the spring after HSM premiered. One day I was out of ideas, so I borrowed one of the moves from an HSM dance. When I taught it to the kids, they immediately recognized it and could do it flawlessly.

But there are not just two individual experiences. The experience of High School Musical and "Hannah Montana" collide so often, it’s hard to differentiate them. Before "Hannah Montana" premiered, it was promoted during commercial breaks with competitive games between HSM stars and HM stars. Then, Miley Cyrus had a brief cameo in HSM2. After HSM2, an important episode of "Hannah Montana" premiered. In stores, the merchandise for each sit next to each other on the shelves. And, of course, most of the fans overlap. Disney has manufactured a culture that centers around these two phenomena.

But now that they have created this expansive, influential cultural experience, what have they done with it? They have millions of kids and tweens as putty in their hands, and a lot of people are worried about this. Yahoo! Answers user jeffeymartinez says “Some people are highly offended by all the positive publicity with knowing it's just another product to make money, with the morals in there only to make more profits.” Is this true? Are they taking advantage of their position and squeezing money out of the pockets of millions of children? Or perhaps are they manipulating people into adopting their set of Christian ‘family values’? Are they setting naive kids up for dangerous circumstances when they hit ‘reality’? Are they oversimplifying a complex and beautiful world that should not be simplified?

Maybe, and I think these questions are important to keep in mind. But my mom tells me, “most of the people I know at the Disney Channel really believe in what they’re doing and they want to create entertainment that is a positive force in kids’ lives.” So I think we’re safe for now.

See below for works cited.


Cotter, Bill. The Wonderful World of Disney Television. New York: Disney Enterprises, Inc., 1997.

Lowe (Ch. 4) in Music Scenes

Minks, Amanda. “Growing and Grooving to A Steady Beat: Pop Music in Fifth-Graders Social Lives.” Yearbook for Traditional Music, Vol 31. (1999), pp. 77-101

Railton, Diane. “The Gendered Carnival of Pop.” Popular Music, Vol. 20, No. 3, Gender and Sexuality. (Oct., 2001), pp. 321-331.

Roberts, Johnnie. “Disney’s Star Machine.” Newsweek Business Magazine. (24 July 2006).

Siegel, David. Great Tween Buying Machine: Capturing Your Share of the Multi-Billion- Dollar Tween Market. Chicago, IL, USA: Dearborn Trade, A Kaplan Professional Company, 2004.

Sternfeld, Jessica. “We’re All in this Together: New Media, New Show Music, Youth Culture, and High School Musical.” AMS Meeting, Quebec City. November 2007).

Weiss, Joanna. “Disney taps wants, wallets of ’tweens.” Boston Globe. (6 November 2006).

“Why is Miley Cyrus so popular?” E! Online. (November 2007).

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

See archives for updated survey responses

I just went back and added the four more survey responses I received after I published that post. [The new ones are Katie, Kendra, Marcy, and Nicole.] I wanted to keep them compiled for comparison. In the end, I got three responders from each age group, which isn't so bad considering the length of the survey and the fact that I did not directly know anyone involved (except for Marcy, 20). Although this is only a VERY small sampling of the people who are familiar with High School Musical and Hannah Montana, I think you get a distinct sense of the divergent perceptions in the different age brackets.

All of these responders were fairly positive about High School Musical (which was somewhat intentional, because I wanted to see why different qualities appealed to different age groups). However, I think the Yahoo! Answers responses were a little more indicative of a wider sampling of people, so check those if you want to see some 'haters'.

Here is the video from HSM2 "in which Zac Efron prances through a desert and sings to his reflection" that Marcy, Nicole, and Katie mention:

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Here are the (long, long) transcriptions from the first two interviews I conducted over break. I deleted some irrelevant asides and interruptions. I also ended each answer before they began to trail off or become redundant. I left out the names just to be safe.

Senior VP Original Movies, Disney Channel

CB: Where did the idea come from? How did it get started?

MH: From the very first day I got here, we were looking to do a musical. The kinds of movies we did were more classic (?) comedies and sports movies and things like that, all things with kids in the lead, but we thought that a real win would be to do a musical with kids driving the picture like they drive all of our others, but we never found it. We got in business with some people at one point and they were going to do more of a broadway musical kind of style, but we didn’t want to do that style of music really, we wanted to do musical stuff that our audience of 6 to 14 year olds would respond to, and not have to sort of try to educate them about the history of broadway. We try not to be too school-like. We’re not PBS. We try to entertain.
So when the producer named Bill Bordin talked to Gary Marsh who’s my boss about doing a story about a high school musical with two kids from different sides of the school getting together to eventually be in it, he presented it as sort of a performance piece, and we’ve done those with, like, Cheetah Girls, which was all performance-based rather than breaking into song, but for this one we decided, well, maybe this is the perfect opportunity to turn it into a real musical, so we hired Kenny Ortega... to direct. So we brought him in and he said ‘well, when I saw this project High School Musical I thought it was going to be a musical, but it’s really not. It’s about a musical.’ He said, ‘I’d like to make a musical,’ and we said ‘well, we’d like to make a musical.’ So, with his help, we went through the script and found the places that were not only performances-- like the karaoke thing at the beginning and the Sharpay and Ryan on-stage stuff-- but also the places where we could actually, legitimately, break into song and use that to push the story forward...

CB: Why do you think it was so successful?

MH: I think first and foremost it was that cast... I think if these had been actors and actresses who were very skilled but didn’t have that extra something that Zac Efron has and that Ashley has, I think it might have been successful, but I don’t think it would have been nearly as successful. The other thing is, I think that it was about something that I think kids responded to, which is, wouldn’t it be great if high school were the kind of place where all the problems could be solved with a song. The kids who watch our shows go to places where they have to go through metal detectors to get into school, they have to go past the drug dealers and they have to deal with the gang members and stuff like that doesn’t take place at East High. You know, East High is an idealized kind of place, so I think that that wish fulfillment aspect of the movie made it popular, and it’s made it popular across the world I think.
I even talked to the Russians: the Russians wanted to do a version of the story, but they said ‘well we don’t have schools like that. We have schools where everybody’s the same. All the ballerinas go to the same school and all the scientists go to the other school’ and I said ‘well suppose you have a guy, a principal, who comes in and says I’m going to start a school where everybody mixes up and he’s the catalyst.’ They said, ‘oh, yeah that would work. There would be a lot of conflict and kids would get to know each other”...

CB: Why do you think there is such a broad appeal?

MH: I think the music has a lot to do with that. I think we really lucked out with the songwriters who we hired to do this. Each individual song, you know, is done by [a different person]. I think two or three are done by the same composers. But they really just hit it out of the park I think. Songs like “Breaking Free,” and in the second one, “You are the Music in Me,” and things like that, I think they had genuine pop appeal, sort of crossed-over...

CB: How do you think HSM has impacted or solidified values in American culture?

MH: Well, I think its hard to say what kind of impact anything has. I think, as Kurt Vonnegut said about his subjects, ‘It’s good propaganda for compassion.’ But I do know that across the country in high schools when they are doing High School Musical, because its something like 15000 different schools that were doing it, that the people who turned out for the auditions were not the usual kids who did it. They turned out but also athletes turned out, kids from across the spectrum turned out, so if that’s the only change that it makes-- that people feel free to try stuff that they haven’t done before-- I think that that’s monumental in terms of what a little entertainment can do.

CB: In general, do you think television should be a positive force in shaping cultural values?

MH: I don’t know. I think it’s a neutral thing. I mean, I think that in terms of shaping values, I don’t know how much impact it really has. I think that if you make stuff that people really love, maybe it makes them more aware of what they love. You know, everybody’s so bombarded with media and television. There’s so many different choices and so many of them are horrible. I suspect that it doesn’t have much of an impact except to sort of... reflect the coursing of the culture. But what we do is sort of a little different, because our stuff is definitely for kids and it doesn’t try and take on the issues... (interrupted)

CB: How does HSM compare to previous Disney Channel Original Movies?

MH: I think its within the realm. I think that without all the movies that went before it I don’t think that we could have succeeded with this, because I think that we’ve created a brand, which is, you know, these are movies that are made specifically for our audience with stars that are their age, that are stories about things in their lives, questions in their lives, identity and ‘who am I?” and things like that. Not a wide range of topics or of issues, but I think that without that 8 years or 9 years of setup, I don’t think that it could have been as big as it turned out to be because I think that it would have been ignored... I think that the other movies helped a lot.

CB: Do you think the solo careers of the stars in HSM are consistent with the feel-good, positive structure of HSM?

MH: They’re all aging themselves up a little bit. Corbin’s music is a little bit harder edged than what we would do, but still very much [within it]. I think that Ashley’s music is a little bit older, you know,more boy-girl stuff than aspirational stuff like in the movies. We don’t begrudge them the fact that they grow up. We just don’t do it on air, particularly. Vanessa, who’s got maybe the best voice of them all, I think she’s still finding her way. And Zac doesn’t have a music deal yet.

CB: Is there anything important that I missed?

MH: One of the things you might think about is that this is a very unusual way for musicals to be written. They are usually written by one composer and one lyricist and workshopped and changed and tested before audiences. We wrote all the songs in a couple of months, and we had to do it so quickly that we had to hand it out to different people. A guy named David Lawrence who does the underscore for High School Musical and High School Musical 2, is wonderful at taking the themes of the various songs and pulling it all together so that it feels like a unified musical but its committee-run.

Editor-in-Chief, Tiger Beat Magazine

CB: What audience does Tiger Beat cater to?

LC: We cater to 10-14 with an emphasis on a medium age of 12.

CB: Why is this audience important to cater to? Why is this the chosen audience?

LC: I think it’s just an audience that is underrepresented in general that most people cater to, you know, sort of an older audience because they think those are the people that consume media but in turn there is the demographic of 10 to 14 year olds. And they are savvy to media, they are savvy to celebrities, they are savvy to pop culture, and there really isn’t anything out there for them and when Tiger Beat started in 65 it became very clear that this was an audience that wanted to consume this type of media. So we’ve been doing it ever since.

CB: Who are the most popular stars of today?

LC: Right now it’s the Jonas Brothers [who] are becoming hugely popular. They are probably the most popular thing that we are going to see in the past five years, which is when we started back up here in Los Angeles and prior to that it would be, for us, the popularity of *NSYNC, Backstreet Boys or Britney Spears, but in terms of nationally popular, it’s a little bit different now because with the internet you have people consuming all kinds of media. So say with NSYNC and Backstreet Boys, those were hugely popular, sort of adults like them, kids like them. Now, young people are perpetuating such popularity with the Jonas Brothers that maybe adults still don’t know who they are, but they are huge for us. They stand to be, I think, potentially bigger than what NSYNC and Backstreet Boys were because I think that more young people are sort of paying attention to the media.

CB: When did the scales tip from High School Musical and Hannah Montana stars?

LC: Well, you know, Miley, I would say, is our second most popular, and then Zac our third. You know, High School Musical has now gone through two movies, so the people who were the core audience became a little bit older and the people who are new to High School Musical are a little bit younger, so the Jonas Brothers have an appeal to younger audiences, but also have that tween and older teen demographic because they’re not a youth-oriented project, per say. Soon enough you won’t have to watch the Disney Channel to see the Jonas Brothers. They are getting airplay on KIIS [LA’s pop radio station]. They are sort of transcending. You know, you weren’t hearing High School Musical songs on, like, KIIS or the big major market radio stations. So, I’d say it changed, really, within the past six months. But Miley is a really close second. And I think the reason why Miley isn’t on par with the Jonas Brothers is just because they’re boys and we cater 99% to girls, and they like boys better. But we have seen a lot more female cover celebrities also in the past five years than we’ve seen in a long time, with, like Miley Cyrus, Ashley Tisdale, Aly & AJ, Emily Osment, now Selena Gomez is coming up...

CB: What makes the Jonas Brothers different?

LC: They’ve got a really catchy sound, which first and foremost is really important, but they’ve also got a band de lour (?) and generally, if you are looking at the big picture, like over time, bands are always going to be more popular than a TV show or movie star. Because, like I said they can have a wide variety of audience. You don’t have to watch the TV, you could be anywhere listening to the group or what have you. I think with the Jonas Brothers, their sound’s just really catchy, but also they are three cute boys. The slightly older teens might be attracted to the fact that they are sort of hip and cool, but the younger teens are liking the fact that they’re cute and they’re message is very positive and they’re not too edgy, so they aren’t edging out a certain population. They’re really mainstream, so when you look at if something’s going to be hugely popular with the young people it really has to be very clean, not mature... Their whole thing is wearing their purity rings and everything... When you’re kids, you have to sort of gauge what your parents allow you to consume so that, I think, perpetuates them. That’s the same thing with NSYNC, the same thing with Backstreet Boys, the same thing with Britney. But, in terms of the Jonas Brothers, I think its just sort of the right time as well because their hasn’t been a huge band since the late 90s for this demographic, so they were ready.

CB: Let’s back up a bit. Why do you think High School Musical found so much success?

LC: I think its the same thing with High School Musical is that (pause) there was this time where maybe the popular music is a little bit more hip hop and rap-oriented... and when you have that, that sort of automatically pushes the demo higher I think, because their videos are more risqué, their lyrics are more risqué, you know the whole thing, their whole image is a lot more mature. So I think that, like I said, there really wasn’t something out there for them to consume, that they were allowed to, that they didn’t have to hide. It came along-- It’s the same thing as Grease, sort of all-American, mainstream clean music that was catchy but also had a positive message. The feedback I got from a lot of readers is that they actually really did relate to a character, be it the character who felt popular but didn’t know which way to go, or the person who didn’t fit in. I really think that they did a very good job of writing that movie even though it was written for kids. They did a very good job of sort of hitting what you are going through at that period, so they just nailed it. And the time was right. It just spread like wildfire. And since they were allowed to consume it it just kept going and going and going. And High School Musical I think saw the popularity with the first run and maybe didn’t so much with the second run, but again the stars are getting older and you are seeing a little bit more of their personal lives. That maybe could have some effect on why maybe the success didn’t last as long for them. And the fact that the Jonas Brothers are coming up. There isn’t room for having too many of the hugest acts. There always has to be a latter.

CB: Hannah Montana? Same reason for success?

LC: Same reason. The thing with I think both Miley and the Jonas Brothers that have and will really help them is that they are both really fan friendly and have used the media. The Jonas Brothers actually cultivated a myspace forum and presence well before they had ever released their second album, which was with Hollywood Records. So they already had a huge audience, which is sort of unusual. I think that if you sit down with them, and you see their presence online and everything, they seem normal. They seem funny, they seem cute and endearing. So they had already cultivated that. And the same thing with Miley: when you hear her talk or when see her, she feels really tangible. And I think that’s what helps her is that the girls feel like they both want to be her best friend, but want to be her, so both of those things with the younger stars is just really helpful. And Miley, you know, she’s very self-deprocating, she tells a good story, she has all of those things that really project well in the media. And people pick up on those things.

CB: How do you represent the stars in your magazine? Visually, content-wise?

LC: It depends. We do a little bit everything. We do the silly content of just being sort of dreamy and cute. We do a little bit more of the positive sort of messages, that we talk about, using celebrities to focus on their positive attributes or how they deal with the life phases you are going through at twelve-years-old, like if you are not feeling very self confident or maybe you don’t have enough money to buy clothes, then we’ll highlight somebody like Selena Gomez or Ashlee Simpson who like to shop at thrift stores. So we try to make the reader feel as normal as possible using messages from the celebrities, who granted, have a superhuman life that is not relatable on so many levels, but on certain levels they are. You know they did at one point, even before they became famous, go through like everything that the kids have gone through, so for us, we don’t deal with the scandalous side. We don’t talk about drugs. We don’t talk about smoking. We don’t talk about sex. I mean, that stuff can and will be handled by others. We don’t need to do that. We really focus, as I said, on trying to get positive messages out there, but without being too heavy-handed because I think they really do listen to and absorb this media in a way that sort of affects them...

CB: How do you portray the boys differently than the girls?

LC: We will talk some style stuff from the girls or we will talk some beauty stuff. We don’t handle a lot of style or beauty. If we do beauty the girl is usually talking about how it’s nice to just wear lip gloss and mascara. You know what I mean? Because they’re not really allowed to wear make-up. But for the boys... it’s really focused on, like, Corbin doing his zero gravity thing-- He actually went up in a zero gravity plane, so we have a first person talking about how cool it is to learn about science, because that’s important to him. The same thing-- how they deal with, even a broken heart or whatever. I guess they are treated differently because you can’t really pose the girls; we don’t say how beautiful they are and how much you want to be like them. But we do talk about the guys looks more, we build up their looks more than we talk about how gorgeous the girls are.

CB: How does Tiger Beat solidify cultural values and ideals, even if they aren’t the most realistic?

There is definitely a fantasy world that you live in when you dive into a magazine that’s all celebrity. Regardless of whether the intent is there, everybody builds up celebrities as if they have perfect lives or what have you. You’re sort of exposed to that [other] side, exposed to those elements in your life at all times, so its sort of nice to be able to not have to deal with that when you are consuming this. Yeah, you know, there are always messages, I can only speak for us, in terms of, you know, not giving up, or following your dreams, or words of encouragement or words of self confidence and what have you. However, I don’t think we explicitly let on that these steps will make you a star. It’s more like, in your everyday world. Like if you are having a bad day, or you’ve got your heart broken or somebody tells you you can’t do something, you know, you can. And, you know, it’s sort of those words of encouragement, even if its through a magazine, even if its just a small percentage of people, internalize it and it can affect them.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Exciting News!

I'm going to be quite busy over Thanksgiving break because I have some important plans for the development of my research.

First of all, I intend to watch at least six hours straight of the Disney Channel (which is not accessible at Brown), so I can re-familiarize myself with the formatting and become introduced to any new faces. I can also get a sense, first hand, of how they advertise and promote their music along with their movies and TV shows. How often do they play music videos? What music do they use as the soundtrack to their commercials? What stars recur most often?

I have also scheduled an interview with the editor-in-chief of Tiger Beat, which is the publication I interned at over the summer. I am going to focus on the media perspective when I talk to her, including topics and stars often covered and why. Then, it is also important for me to ask about the fans, and the magazines continual interaction with them. What kind of responses do they get, and to what (or to who?) Afterwards I am going to meet with my old boss, the photo editor, and ask her about the visual representations of stars in the magazine. How does Tiger Beat choose to portray the different genders and ages of the musicians and actors? How might this conflict with a PR representative who wants them to grow out of the Disney image? What does this say about moral awareness in tween and Disney culture?

Finally, I have an interview with the head of Original Movies for Disney Channel. I think he is going to be a really valuable source because he can give me a business/corporate perspective. How did the concept for High School Musical come about? Why does he think it was so successful? How did it effect their revenues, their focus? How often does he come in contact with Disney Records? Does Disney have the intention to cross-pollinate their stars before they even hire them, or is that a happy coincidence that happens to occur again and again?

I think I am going to try to focus my research on the intersection of morality, business, and cliché to create success.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Yahoo Answers saves the day!

So the written surveys have been trickling in, but none of them are particularly enlightening (might be partially my fault because the questions are not particularly leading), but I've recently been experimenting with posting mini-surveys online. I thought of this earlier, but could not find any HSM fan sites or forums in which posting was easy and response was quick. Then I saw Sabrina's blog and I was re-inspired. I posted a topic on an HSM forum, but no response. Then I posted three questions on Yahoo Answers and... wham! Loads of responses in an hour.

Although the responses are not necessarily articulate, it is still interesting to see the variety of reactions I get to the questions. I will definitely use this site as a resource!

Here are the threads I started. Take into account these questions were experimental and not necessarily getting to the heart of the issue (but what IS the heart of the issue?)
Why do people hate High School Musical?
Who do you think is the most popular Disney Channel star?

Here are some other relevant threads, started by others:
Why is HSM popular?
High School Musical????!!!!?
Why does Disney Channel try to create pop stars?
Why do people watch the Disney Channel?

And there's more where that came from.

If anyone has an idea for a question that will spark a lot of response, I'd love to hear it.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Initial Survey Responses - UPDATED

I sent out some surveys, through various connections (friend's sisters friends, etc). The groups of people include:
• 15-year-olds who go to public school in Westchester, NY
• 9-year-olds from a girl scout troup in Minnetonka, MN
• college students at Whitman College in Walla Walla, WA

Some of these surveys I sent out a week ago, some several days ago, and some I have yet to send out. I have received five back so far. The questions are fairly general; I just wanted to get a sense of why people from different age groups like (or don't like) High School Musical and Hannah Montana, two Disney Channel productions that have arguably made a big impact on mainstream culture. The responses are fairly brief, but some of them are quite telling.

The first two questions are a rating of different musical artists/bands related to the Disney Channel. I will put this information up when I get more responses and can do some averages.

3. Do you like High School Musical? If not, why not?

Abby 15: Yes, I like High School Musical

Berit 9: I like it. I like all of the songs and the dancing. They have good choreography.

Carly 15: Yes, I like high school musical.

Julia 15: Yes, I love the corniness, the songs, and how there is barely any conflict!

Katie 10: Yes

Kendra 20: Yes, I thought it was a cute, fun movie and had catchy songs with some nice dancing.

Marcy 20: YES

Natalie 9: Yes

Nicole 20: LOVE IT!

4. What do you like most about High School Musical? What do you like least? Why?

Abby 15: I like that it is easy to follow and a fun watch, but it can get annoying after a while.

Berit 9: I like the singing the best. I like the music. I saw the play and I liked it a little bit less - so I like the actors and actresses in the movie better. Vanessa Hudgens is a really good Gabriella.

Carly 15: I like the idea of a Disney channel musical. I like the songs and the dances. I also like that it's not just a regular kiddie movie; it actually has a message.

Julia 15: I like the songs and the dancing, mostly because they make you feel happy… and you can sing along. It makes you feel like everything is perfect, there is nothing I dislike about it.

Katie 10: It was fun to watch!

Marcy 20: I like that High School Musical is hilarious and that the songs are catchy. It's so bad it's good. How could any one not love a movie in which Zac Efron prances through a dessert and sings to his reflection? I dislike the parts were they are not singing or dancing. Most of the kids can't really act and the story is pretty stupid, so it's kind of tedious to watch Vannesa Hudgens try to express how singing with Zac Efron is like kindergarten. I also hate it when she sings her emotional ballads.

Natalie 9: All the songs and all the people and all the dancing. The love songs are icky.

Nicole 20: The movie is hilarious because the writing and the acting are so terrible. I also actually like most of the songs (more so in the first movie than in the second).

5. Who is your favorite character? Why?

Abby 15: My favorite character is Ryan because he has the most complex character and has the best voice out of all of them.

Berit 9: Gabriella because she is so nice in the movie

Carly 15: Troy is my favorite character because 1) he's pretty cute and 2) he stands up to his friends and follows his dreams.

Julia 15: Ryan, he's funniest.

Katie 10: Gabriella, she makes everything simple

Kendra 20: Maybe the kid who secretly loves to bake because he talks about crème brulee and it's my favorite. Otherwise, probably Zac Effron because it's really adorable how much he likes Vanessa in the film, or Corbin Bleu because he is a really good dancer.

Marcy 20: My favorite character is Ryan. He is funny and has an amazing singing voice.

Natalie 9: Vanessa Hudgens - cause she is cool.

Nicole 20: Troy, because he plays basketball and because he is so in love with Gabriella, but mostly because he is played by Zac Efron.

6. What is your favorite song? Why?

Abby 15: My favorite song is Breaking Free because it is the big turning point and is very powerful. Troy and Gabrielle sound good together on this song.

Berit 9: I like We're Breaking Free…I think it is really pretty

Carly 15: “Stick to the Status Quo” is my favorite song because it has good lyrics and a good beat. It also has to do with standing up to your friends, being your own person, and following your dreams.

Julia 15: Breaking free, it is a great song to sing along to and makes you feel very happy because everything in Troy and Gabriella's life worked out perfectly.

Katie 10: Betting on the Right Time….it is good

Kendra 20: I have only seen the movie once and can't right now remember any songs except “Get your head in the game” - which I don't think is my favorite.

Marcy 20: My favorite song is the Ryan and Sharpay version of “What I've Been Looking For”. It is the catchiest, happiest song ever.

Natalie 9: All of them, no particular favorite.

Nicole 20: “You are the Music in Me” is my favorite overall, “Breaking Free” is my favorite from the first movie.

7. How did you hear about HSM? When did you first see it? What was your first reaction to it?

Abby 15: I heard about it from watching Disney Channel. I saw it the first day it came out, and it was fun to watch but very predictable.

Berit 9: My friend Ana. On my 8th birthday. I liked it.

Carly 15: I heard about HSM through friends and from watching Disney channel. At first I thought it was ok. I didn't expect to love it as much as I do. It got better as i watched it a second and third time.

Julia 15: I heard about it on Disney channel. I saw it a few days after it came out. I loved it!

Katie 10: TV commercials. I thought it was awesome

Kendra 20: My friends; earlier this year, probably about early October; I liked it a lot

Marcy 20: I first heard about High School Musical while I was enjoying a turkey burger with my family and watching the Disney Channel. A preview for it came on, and I noticed that it was starring Zac Efron. This captured my attention because a certain raven haired friend of mine was very attracted to Zac Effron (even though he played at 12 year old on tv ). I saw it the night it premiered on Disney Channel. I thought it looked stupid and funny, so I watched it thinking that I would make fun of it for like ten minutes and then turn it off. It was stupid and I did make fun of it, but the songs were really catchy and fun so I watched the whole thing and loved it.

Natalie 9: On tv, saw commercials. Don't remember. I liked it so much.

Nicole 20: My younger sister saw it when it first came out and told me how amazing it was. We watched it together the next time it was on and I immediately fell in love.

8. Do you own the soundtrack? The DVD?

Abby 15: I own the soundtrack, but not the DVD.

Berit 9: The DVD.

Carly 15: I have some songs from the soundtrack, but not the whole thing. I don't have the DVD.

Julia 15: I own both.

Katie 10: Yes, both

Kendra 20: No, neither

Marcy 20: I illegally downloaded a few songs off of the soundtrack. I do not own the DVD.

Natalie 9: No.

Nicole 20: I have two songs from the first movie but I would love to have the complete sound track. I do not have the DVD.

9. Did you see HSM2? How do you think it compares?

Abby 15: I saw it- and I thought the plot of HSM 1 was better and it was more polished, but the music of HSM2 was more advanced.

Berit 9: YES, it has the same characters so I liked that. I liked the music in it too

Carly 15: I did see HSM2 and I loved it. There wasn't as much of the “going for your dreams” thing, but there were good songs and fun dances.

Julia 15: Yes I saw it. I like the songs better but I don't like how the storyline was cornier, (If that's even possible!)

Katie 10: Yes. It is a little better than the first.

Kendra 20: Yes, it's a lot worse.

Marcy 20: Yes. I think that on the whole it was not as good. It was funnier in a lot of ways. Ryan was genuinely and intentionally funnie, and the Zac Efron prancing through the desert and singing to his reflection was hilarious and the best scene out of both of the movies, but the songs were just very hip hoppy and sounded like every part of them had been manipulated with technology ( I know don't the correct musical term to describe them…over produced maybe?). I prefer the show-tuneiness of the first movie's music.

Natalie 9: No.

Nicole 20: On the whole, I didn't think it was as good and for the most part had inferior music (with the notable exceptions of “Everyday,” “Music in Me,” and the disaster/masterpiece that is “Bet On It”). I did love, however, how completely adorable Troy and Gabriella are in HSM2.


10. Do you like Hannah Montana? If not, why not?

Abby 15: Yes, I like Hannah Montana.

Berit 9: I like her - she is a good singer

Carly 15: Hannah Montana is ok, not my favorite though.

Julia 15: Yeah I like her, (kind of)

Katie 10: Yes

Kendra 20: Never seen it.

Marcy 20: Not really. I only like that Emily Osment is on it because she goes to my high school. Miley Cyrus bothers me. So does her dad.

Natalie 9: Yes

Nicole 20: No, the TV show is obnoxious and stupid and I can't stand the sound of her voice.

11. What do you like most about Hannah Montana? What do you like least?

Abby 15: I like her show, and some of her music. Though I like her music more when she is Miley Cyrus. The thing I least like is how some songs are annoying and sound fake or boring.

Berit 9: I like the singing the best. There isn't anything I don't like --- but I don't like her shows - I like her singing.

Carly 15: Hannah Montana can be funny at times. But Miley Cyrus can be extremely annoying. I hate her voice (not singing, talking) and her laugh. I HATE it when she says “sweet nibblets.”

Julia 15: I like her songs, but not the show as much, it is the most unrealistic show in Disney channel.

Katie 10: I like her songs, they have the “beat”.

Natalie 9: All the songs, her clothes, and everything. I like everything - no “least”.

12. What is your favorite song? Why?

Abby 15: My favorite Hannah Montana song is Nobody's Perfect because the lyrics are fun and its very catchy. My favorite Miley Cyrus song is See You Again because it has a country blues tone to it and has fun lyrics.

Berit 9: I like a lot of them. Nobody's perfect is my favorite because nobody is perfect

Carly 15: I like “Nobody's Perfect” because it's true, and it is somewhat funny.

Julia 15: Best of both worlds- It is the only one I really know

Katie 10: Nobody is Perfect. It is fun to sing along.

Natalie 9: “If we were a movie”. Because its cool.

13. When did you first see Hannah Montana? What was your first reaction to it?

Abby 15: I first saw Hannah Montana when it came out on Disney Channel. My reaction was that it was a good show and thought it would get interesting and even better.

Berit 9: I heard the CD first at my friend Katie's. I liked her music.

Carly 15: I first saw it when it debuted. I actually thought the story was kinda cute.

Julia 15: When it first aired. I T-VOed the first episode and watched it a million times. Now I don't like it as much, the story is not as good.

Katie 10: On TV I thought it was cool

Marcy: I don't remember when I first saw Hannah Montana. My first reaction was excitement that Haley's sister was on TV.

Natalie 9: On tv, don't remember when. First reaction was “this is so cool”.

Nicole 20: A while ago and I thought it was another in the new line of terrible Disney channel shows

14. Do you own either of her albums?

Abby 15: No I don't own either album.

Berit 9: NO

Carly 15: No, but I have one song on my ipod.

Julia 15: No

Katie 10: Yes

Marcy 20: No.

Natalie 9: No.

Nicole 20: No.

15. Do you think Emily Osment (“Lily Truscott”) has popstar potential? If you haven't seen it yet, go on Youtube and watch her video “I Don't Think About It.”

Abby 15: I don't think Emily Osment has very much popstar potential. She has a good voice and I think she is a good actress, but this song isn't as good as some of Miley's music and sounds a lot like Hannah Montana.

Berit 9: She is a good singer. She might become a popstar -but she kinda already is..

Carly 15: I don't think Emily Osment has popstar potential. I don't like her singing voice at all. I find it hard to believe that it's even her singing.

Julia 15: No, I don't think she has potential. Her voice is bad.

Katie 10: Yes

Kendra 20: If you haven't seen it yet, go on Youtube and watch her video “I Don't Think About It.” Maybe, but she would have a ways to go.

Marcy 20: No. That video was horrible. So was the song. She is related to Haley Joel Osment, though, so maybe after “Home of the Giants” comes out she'll become even more famous.

Natalie 9: No - because she's just sort of different. And I don't think she can be like Miley Cyrus with her million katrillion songs, and Emily only has one.

Nicole 20: No.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

New sources!

I found these because Lowe mentioned Angela McRobbie at the end of the "Tween Scene" article:

The Subcultures Reader
Chapter 13: "Girls and Subcultures"
by Angela McRobbie and Jenny Garber

Feminism and Youth Culture : From "Jackie" to "Just Seventeen"
By Angela McRobbie

Feminism and Cultural Studies
Chapter 3: "Shut up and Dance: Youth Culture and Changing Modes of Feminitity"
by Angela McRobbie

Although these seem like great sources, and a good historical perspective, I don't think I'm going to focus too much on feminism in my piece.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Fieldnotes (Retrospective)

I saw this show over a month ago, so obviously my memory has faded. However, I think this performance was a really important event to reflect on because its very relevant to my topic, and I’m not going to get the chance to see another Disney channel pop performance before this is due (the Hannah Montana/Jonas Brothers tour comes to Providence 5 days after I have to turn this in. It also sold out within hours of being released). In order to jog my memory, I looked at pictures we took of the event and interviewed my friends about their memories (I will transcribe these interviews as soon as I get the time).

Corbin Bleu/Drake Bell/Aly & AJ
August 25, 2007 7:00pm
Bank of America Pavillion
Boston, MA

The tickets were about $50 each, including Ticketmaster’s absurd ‘convenience fee’ and ‘facitility charge’. I had convinced my two friends from Brown—Elly and Tim—to go with me. Whereas I was fairly familiar with this scene, Elly and Tim were not. I had introduced them to High School Musical the previous year, and Elly and I had made up a dance to Corbin Bleu’s single “Push it to the Limit”. We were actually at the concert more for Drake Bell, who was not in fact a Disney channel star, but a Nickelodeon star (Disney channel’s primary competition). It seems somewhat significant that these three stars decided to tour together, two of which are actively promoted by the Disney Channel (Corbin Bleu and Aly & AJ) and the other of which is ignored by Disney because they did not discover him. Thus, this scene incorporates more than just Disney Channel pop, although Disney has been most successful in finding triple-threat stars and promoting them—probably because their empire is substantially bigger than that of Nickelodeon.

It took place in an outdoor amphitheatre overlooking the Charles River. We walked in surrounded by people that were a full one or two feet shorter than us. The average age was probably 10 or so, although most kids were accompanied by a parent or guardian. There were a number of people wearing various fan T-shirts, some manufactured and sold by companies (many of which were being sold for $30 at a crowded merchandise booth in front of the amphitheatre). Many others were homemade, expressing things like “I LOVE DRAKE” or “CORBIN’S #1 FAN”. Some shirts simply stated the artists names “CORBIN BLEU / ALY & AJ / DRAKE BELL” in bright puff paint.

The place was divided into two sections: a tented performance space with folding chairs set up to seat about 1000 people, and an outdoor refreshments/milling about area. The refreshments were typical expensive, low quality concert fare: pizza, burgers, ice cream, soda, and beer. I got the feeling the vendors did not change depending on the show, which is why the beer booth was still open (the parents enjoyed it). Because we had assigned seats (towards the back), we would walk around and take pictures by the water it between sets.

Corbin Bleu was the first performer (save the 11-year-old nobody who opened—we only caught the last couple songs.) The songs he performed were mostly bubblegum pop (with a little hip hop influence: he’s black), with positive messages (“Can’t worry bout what other people might say/it’s who I am/Gotta live my dream my own way”) or delicate discussions of failed relationships (“We've been together for too long/ And we've been through too much/ To have the same conversations/ You seem to like so much.”) He wore cargos and a tank top, and his hair was in his signature loose curls, and the structure of the performance seemed to mostly showcase his dancing skills. I get the feeling he is a dancer first and a singer second, although his voice is very melodic. It was an upbeat performance, with people bopping and screaming along (colorful posters: MARRY ME CORBIN, etc.). He left his most popular single until the ‘encore’. He and his dancers walked offstage, awaiting encore-worthy applause. However, apparently this crowd was unaware of this convention and there was no excess clapping. Eventually, Corbin came out again just because he knew he should. He performed his most popular single, “Push it to the Limit.” Elly and I tried to do our choreographed dance in the aisles at one point, but the security guards told us to go back to our seats. This was a fire violation.

Next up was Drake Bell. He came onstage in a suit and sunglasses, and the first song he performed was also first on his album: “Up Periscope”. To older listeners, this song is clearly very sexual (“when you're creeping out of bed I sneak a peek to see just what you were wearing last night/or what was leftover from ripping off our clothes”). However, it appeared that no kids or parents noticed the inappropriate nature of this song, because it was so upbeat and sung so quickly. Actually, Drake’s whole set seemed to be somewhat out of the comprehension range of most of his fans. He had a projection screen set up, and sometimes the images on it were very sophisticated and political. During “Up Periscope” there were just colorful cartoon images of submarines and the ocean, but during his song “Fool the World”, there were images of what appeared to be the Nazi army marching, some war planes, political leadesr (Winston Churchill), etc. It seemed very out of place, and we struggled to find the connection.

Aly & AJ were the headliners. By the end of the night we were fairly exhausted and we cared the least about Aly & AJ. Apparently many other fans felt the same way, because there was a group of about 200 people lined up, waiting to get Drake Bell’s autograph (they got wristbands to meet him when they bought his album very early in the night). However, there were still a number of shrieking girls when they came onstage, and we stuck it out until the end of the set. Aly & AJ were clad in tight skinny jeans, had wavy blonde hair and wore lots of makeup. It seemed to me that they were very into the girl-rocker image, and they marched around like rock stars when they weren’t playing an instrument. They took turns singing the verses, and playing guitar and piano. Their songs were similar to Corbin’s (pop songs uplifting lyrics or delicate discussions of break-ups.) Although their music seemed more geared toward younger kids (in that it was not overtly sexual and did not deal with sophisticated topics), they did not necessarily acknowledge that their audience was made up entirely of 10-year-old girls. They did an encore too, and by that time people understood what was expected of them and clapped and shrieked wholeheartedly.

The whole concert was over by 10:30, and the families milled back to the T-stop or their cars in the sticky August air. Summary: Corbin wholeheartedly embraced his Disney image, performing appropriate songs with energy for his intended audience. Drake Bell completely ignored the fact that his audience was that of 10-year-old girls, and tried to appeal more to a college-age crowd, by using overt sexuality and political references (hey, it worked for us). Finally, Aly & AJ were caught between these two worlds. They didn’t want to alienate their tween fanbase and completely lose their initial image (their first single was a cover of "Do You Believe in Magic?"), but at the same time they were trying to branch out and appeal to an older group by wearing hip clothes and focusing more on adult relationships.


Because I am outside the age range that is typically associated with Disney Channel pop, I have never really considered myself part of this youth culture. However, I now realize that I have a number of direct connections to the Disney Channel pop scene, and I think I need to state these clearly before I begin my research. My familiarity with this scene involves a number of connections, including:
- I have been watching Disney channel since I was eight or so, although in recent years not nearly as much.
- I attended secondary school with Emily Osment, co-star of the hit music/TV show, Hannah Montana. She currently has her own single out for her new Disney Channel original movie “The Haunting Hour”. However, I rarely came in contact with her (I was a senior when she was in eighth grade).
- In Spring 2006, I taught hip hop once a week to a group of fourth and fifth graders. In one of our dances we included a move from High School Musical. The kids immediately recognized it. They later expressed great enthusiasm for Hannah Montana and asked if I could get Emily Osment’s autograph for them.
- I worked at a summer camp in 2006, and all of the kids were obsessed with High School Musical. It was played during snack time and lunch time, and all the girls (and many of the boys) knew all of the words and choreography. It was here that I got a real sense of its popularity.
- My mom works for Disney headquarters, and attends meetings every so often that update employees on Disney success in various entertainment niches. In the past year and half, at almost all of these meetings the presenter has stressed the importance of High School Musical and how it is affecting Disney revenues and popularity. She has told me about this in passing.
- I worked at Tigerbeat/BOP magazine over the summer as a photo intern. It as here that I began to understand how much the Disney Channel had permeated mainstream music.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


I've been browsing around and I think I've found some solid sources for my research. Check them out below.

On another note, I'm getting a bit miffed because I wrote an extensive e-mail to my previous boss at Tiger Beat last week, inquiring whether she would be willing to answer a few questions about her observations. She hasn't responded, and over the summer she was always pretty quick to respond. I don't know if I should try again, rephrasing so that it is more brief, or I should just give up and focus on other sources.


Can High School Musical Do it Again?

High School Musical: Creating a Pop Phenom

Hannah Montana Star Ready to Break Out, Hilary Style

Disney Taps Wants, Wallets of ‘tweens

Disney Channel on Wikipedia


Tiger Beat
Disney Channel
Radio Disney


HSM: Breaking Free / What I’ve Been Looking For

Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds / At the White House / Virginity Vow

Jonas Brothers: SOS / on Hannah Montana

Emily Osment: I Don't Think About It

Corbin Bleu: Push It

Vanessa Hudgens: Say Ok

Ashley Tisdale: He Said She Said


The great tween buying machine: capturing your share of the multi-billion-dollar tween market
By David L. Siegel, Timothy J. Coffey, and Gregory Livingston

The Wonderful World of Disney Television
By Bill Coter
(link / link)

“Tween” Scene: Resistence within the Mainstream in Music Scenes
By Melanie Lowe
In Music Scenes (yay!)

Monday, September 24, 2007

Ethnography Topic

The Disney Channel has had great success in recent years, for several reasons. Once a HBO-esque special cable network, the Disney channel decided to offer itself with the normal cable package in the late 90s. Because they lost the revenues they received from being a private network, they needed to find other ways to make the big bucks. Soon they began creating original television shows and movies that captured audiences around the nation. Great success came with shows like "Lizzie Mcguire" and "Even Stevens," and quickly Disney decided to capitalize on this success by double-marketing some of their stars. Hilary Duff, star of Lizzie Mcguire was the first to make it in the music business, as a nouveau Britney Spears singing pre-packaged bubblegum pop that made its way into the hearts of, well, everyone. After the Hilary Duff craze started to die down several years later, Disney tried again with a movie about a girl pop group trying to make it: The Cheetah Girls. Although they achieved success among a smaller group of kids and preteens, they were hardly noticeable in adult America.

Then January 2006 rolled around and everything changed. Disney had done its normal promotion for its newest original movie. This was nothing special. Disney offers an original movie once a month. Avid Disney Channel fans tune in and no one else. But this was no typical Disney Channel original. This was High School Musical (clips). Infectious, innocent, and full of adorable new stars, everyone who saw it opening weekend immediately became obsessed. Those who hadn't seen it were told they should. It became the most downloaded album on iTunes within a week. Within six months, twenty million Americans had viewed it. Soon three of the stars, Vanessa Hudgens, Ashley Tisdale, and Corbin Bleu had released their own albums and had developed loyal fanbases.

Then a new musical TV show, Hannah Montana, premiered. It starred the bright-eyed and inexperienced Miley Cyrus as a girl living a double life as a regular middle schooler and an international pop star. The love for Hannah Montana spread almost as rapidly as the High School Musical phenomenon, and soon there was another tiny star to add to the mix.

As the months progressed, new musical artists continued popping up, on soundtracks to new Disney Channel movies, as guest stars on the TV shows, and in music videos on commercial breaks. And the fan base just kept getting bigger and bigger. These stars began permeating the mainstream, and getting attention from older girls as well as curious adults.

A year and a half later, High School Musical 2 made its debut. LA Times estimates that one in 10 Americans saw the movie 2 opening weekend. That's insane. And that doesn't even take into account the obsession that has developed in Europe, Asia, and Latin America.

There is a distinct youth culture that surrounds this Disney channel pop phenomenon, and this is what I want to study. What makes this simple pop music so successful? How long will it last? And does the sugary sweetness and the innocence of this new music tell us something about the progression of our culture as a whole?